The average house price on LOW ROAD is £204,870
The most expensive house in the street is 88 LOW ROAD with an estimated value of £308,651
The cheapest house in the street is 96 LOW ROAD with an estimated value of £118,727
The house which was most recently sold was STANFREE ROAD FARM LOW ROAD, this sold on 16 Jun 2023 for £200,000
The postcodes for LOW ROAD are S43 4LQ, S43 4LF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
61 LOW ROAD Semi-Detached £195,745 £100,000 27 Aug 2004
61 LOW ROAD Semi-Detached £195,745 £100,000 27 Aug 2004
88 LOW ROAD Detached £308,651 £165,000 29 Jul 2005
96 LOW ROAD Terraced £118,727 £59,950 23 Jul 2004
STANFREE ROAD FARM LOW ROAD Detached £205,482 £200,000 16 Jun 2023